wood fired hot tub

Wood Fired Hot Tub?

There are many consumers that are turning toward a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. This choice can include greater awareness of the health benefits of organic foods, supporting ‘farm to table’ practices and cutting down of their use of fossil fuels. There is also a greater awareness of how nature can provide a sanctuary from the increasingly frenetic pace of the modern lifestyle. This commitment has even been reflected in the choice of hot tubs. Even respected publications such as the New York Times are reporting that homeowners are increasingly attracted to woodfired hot tubs.

However, it not only those who want to commit themselves to a more ecologically aware lifestyle that are making this choice – although there is evidence that many people are attracted to the idea of using less electricity. One of the reasons that this is the case is because the majority of our electricity is still sourced from coal-fueled power stations – and these are by no means a ‘green’ source of energy.

But even if one does not take this into account, there are plenty of other reasons to choose wood-fired tubs.

One of the most important of these is the undoubted pleasure of preparing and using a wood-fired hot tub. Rather than simply flicking a switch, owners of wood-fired tubs experience the joy of a more natural experience. Users report that the smell of wood-burning and the crackling of flames add to the hot tub experience. There is also the matter of chemicals. Those in search of a healthier lifestyle are trying their level best to reduce their use of harsh man-made chemicals – and those don’t come much harsher than those used to keep an electrically powered hot tub in a sanitary condition. Wood-fired hot tubs use simple tap water. Simply fire it up and enjoy a healthy soak. Once the hot tub session is complete, drain the tub and repeat the process as necessary.

So, while you do save money on water purifying chemicals, you’ll be using a LOT more water as you need to refill the tub each time. Depending on the water source this may not be an issue at all, or it could be a big deal breaker. This is also the reason that wood fired tubs are typically smaller in size than your typical spa.

Then there is the cost. Those chemicals can be a pretty big drain on a bank account. This is especially true when the hot tub is used regularly – such as during the holiday season. In fact, the rising popularity of wood-fired hot tubs started during the lean times of the recession that was a fact of life during years immediately prior to 2010. If one takes into account that a conventional hot tub can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000, the appeal of a wood-fired model – which has an average up-front cost of around $3,000 becomes immediately apparent. Add to that the chemicals and the cost of electricity and owning a conventional hot tub can soon become a little more expensive than originally planned on.

Those who purchase wood-fired hot tubs also have a far greater choice of where to site the tub. Without the need to be in close proximity to an electrical source the options become much more interesting. If the homeowner has a level pice of the ground under that beautiful shade tree, among wildflowers – that may be where the tub will provide the best soaking experience. A better ambiance is always nice. It could also mean you get to trudge out in the snow to start the fire and add the water to the tub. So it can work both ways.

There are some people who have expressed reservations about the green credentials of a wood-fired hot tub. Some detractors point out that smoke is also a pollutant. The fact is that wood, especially when purchased from a dealer committed to renewable resources is far less polluting than a coal-powered power station.

Some also express reservations based on the fact that they will not simply have to press a button or flick a switch to enjoy the hot tub experience. It’s definitely a lot more work having a wood fired tub. Everything is manual. BUt that is part of the appeal of the going this route as well. Having to take the time and do the work to get the wood, and fill the tub and make the fire is part of the relaxed experience and attitude that comes with a wood fired hot tub.It is a ritual that allows owners to truly appreciate the hot tub experience. That can be far more valuable than the simple flick of a switch.